Soooo summer is FINALLY here and after a long, cold winter I will be the LAST person to complain about the heat. I love it. I also love going strawberry picking! This year I took all 4 kiddos and my niece. Good picking!
Armed with loads of wonderful strawberries we began our second favorite thing to do, make as many recipes as we can with strawberries!! For lunch we had peanut butter and sliced strawberry sandwiches with sliced strawberries & sharp cheddar on the side.
As the temperature climbed past 90, I had the brilliant idea to turn the oven on! Thankfully the Hubs had put the air conditioner in!
English Muffin Toasting Bread & Strawberry Honey Butter
I've got to tell you, THIS bread is amazing! It has only 5 ingredients and makes 4 loaves of bread. You might think 4 is a bit much and wonder about freezing some, but that has NEVER been an issue in my house. My kiddos can devour a loaf in one sitting...yes, it's that good. We usually toast this bread and smear butter and honey on the warm slices. Luckily, I stumbled upon THIS recipe for strawberry honey butter. Strawberry. Honey. Butter. The two complimented each other so well. The kids ate a loaf for breakfast, and another half for lunch.
I also made an incredible Strawberry Yogurt Cake but that was eaten so fast, I never got a picture of it. We also made chocolate covered strawberries...those are gone too. The strawberries (all 18 pounds) are nearly gone. I think I may be forced to go back to the fields!
Thanks for stopping by!